
The 7 Amazing Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Poses That Anyone Can Do

Kundalini Yoga Poses

Did you know that yoga can keep your heart healthy, reduce your stress levels, and even prevent you from getting the common cold? That’s right even though most people think of yoga as a great way to slim down and tone up, the physical poses are also fantastic for improving your general health. There’s one kind of yoga, in particular, that has all these benefits: kundalini yoga.

This practice comes from the ancient yogic tradition as well as the modern New Age movement. It is believed that kundalini energy exists at the base of the human spine in women and above it in men. When this energy awakens and rises up either through meditation or other practices like kundalini yoga poses to go beyond our limitations and expand our consciousness.

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Before you see kundalini yoga as nothing more than another trendy fad, learn more about its benefits. This practice has been around for centuries and is an effective way to improve your health. In fact, according to the American Yoga Association, it’s one of the main branches of yoga practiced today.

Whether you are just starting your practice or have been practicing for some time, there are many benefits of kundalini yoga poses. It’s challenging and can leave you feeling sore afterwards, but that’s because it works every muscle in your body. Read on to learn more about this practice and some of its greatest advantages for your health.

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini yoga is a type of yoga that is believed to awaken the energy of the human body. The root word “kundalini” actually means “energy.” This type of yoga focuses on breathing techniques and meditation to help the body naturally awaken this energy. The idea is that this energy that exists in each person is coiled up at the base of the spine.

This is different than other types of yoga, which may encourage you to stretch or exert yourself. When you do kundalini yoga, you’re not trying to make your body do something that it doesn’t want to do. Rather, you’re working with your natural energy to help it flow more freely.

How to do Kundalini Yoga Poses?

In general, kundalini yoga requires no special equipment. However, a yoga mat or towel will make the experience more comfortable. Here are some tips for practicing kundalini yoga poses:

  • Find a quiet, peaceful space. This could be a room in your home or a tranquil outdoor spot.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Choose a breathing technique. Some kundalini yoga practices focus on breathing in and out very deeply, while others are more gentle. You might also choose to focus on your breath while meditating.
  • Choose a meditation. Some kundalini yoga poses practices focus on meditation, while others are focused on specific poses.
  • Create a mantra. Some kundalini yoga practices have you create a mantra, or a specific phrase to focus your attention.

5 Major Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

There’s a reason why kundalini yoga is one of the most popular types of yoga out there. It’s great for improving your general health and well-being. Here are some of the biggest benefits of kundalini yoga:

Better Circulation – A healthy circulatory system is essential for good health. It transports oxygen and nutrients to your organs, as well as removes metabolic waste. If your circulation is poor, you’re more likely to develop a range of health issues, including cardiovascular disease. Kundalini yoga can improve your circulation by stimulating your cardiovascular system. This is great for your heart health, as well as reducing bloating and swelling.

Improved Metabolism – A sluggish metabolism can lead to weight gain and a higher risk of chronic disease. While there are several different diets out there, one of the simplest ways to boost your metabolism is to exercise. Kundalini yoga is a great choice for this, as it can be done at any level. Even if you’re not very athletic, you can adapt this exercise to suit your needs.

Reduced Stress – For many people, stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to be. Many types of yoga are known for their stress-reducing properties, and kundalini yoga is no exception. The combination of deep breathing, meditation, and gentle stretching can help to reduce cortisol levels in your body. This is the hormone that is released when you’re under stress.

Improved Focus – Have you ever found yourself getting distracted while trying to focus on something, like reading or a work project? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have trouble focusing on one thing at a time. This often has to do with our ability to regulate and maintain our attention. A growing body of research shows that yoga is a great way to enhance your attention, particularly kundalini yoga.

Better Sleep Quality – Sleep is absolutely essential for good health. It allows your body to repair itself, and without it, you’re more likely to get sick and be more susceptible to injury. Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough sleep, whether because of a physical or mental disorder, or simply poor sleep habits.

6 Simple Kundalini Yoga Poses That Anyone Can Do

There are many different types of kundalini yoga poses, but many people start out by practicing these simple poses:

Downward Facing Dog – This is a great pose for all levels, but is best for beginners since it requires more flexibility than other poses.

Child’s Pose – This is a restorative pose that opens up your chest, but is gentle enough to suit most people, as well as being a good choice for meditation.

Half Lord of the Fishes – This is a good pose for people with lower back pain, as it provides support and opens up the back.

Cobra – This pose is good for your core, while also improving your posture.

Seated Twist – This pose is great for stretching out your back and spine, while also stimulating your internal organs.

Seated Meditation – This pose is best when you’ve practiced a few other kundalini yoga poses first, as it can be challenging to learn at first.

Best Kundalini yoga poses

Before we get into the details of kundalini yoga and its benefits, let’s first look at some poses that are commonly used in kundalini yoga classes. The first pose is called Sohas. This is a great pose for restoring your balance, especially after travel or if you find yourself in a stressful situation. In this pose, you place your hands together at chest level and then shift your weight onto your right foot.

Then, you slowly lift your left foot and put it down a little behind your right foot as if you were walking. The next pose is called Shaman. In this pose, you stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your arms hanging down by your sides. You then bend your knees and squat down as if you were to sit on a low stool while keeping your head up, eyes open, and your arms straight.

The last pose is called Bhadrasana. In this pose, you sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and your arms at your sides. Then, you bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor with your knees touching each other.

Breathing Exercises

You can also add breathing exercises to your kundalini yoga routine. These can help to reduce your blood pressure, as well as help to focus and calm your mind. Here are some examples:

Guided Breathing – While this can be done in a seated position, it’s more commonly used as a meditation exercise. It’s best to find an audio recording with a guided breathing exercise, as it can be difficult to concentrate on the sound of your breathing.

Alternate Nostril Breathing – This breathing exercise is best suited to those who are more advanced in their yoga practice. You can use your thumb and index finger to alternate between your nostrils while breathing.

Breathing to Reduce Anxiety or Panic Attacks – This breathing exercise is best suited to those who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks.


If you’re interested in learning more about meditation, there are many different types to choose from. Here are some examples:

Visualization – This is a common visualization exercise, where you try to create a mental picture of a specific scene or object.

Mantras – These are sound-based meditation exercises that focus on repetition. This can be done out loud or silently in your head.

Transcendental Meditation – This is a type of meditation where you listen to a recording that guides you through the process.

Improved circulation

Kundalini yoga is an excellent choice for those who want to improve their circulation. There are a few different poses that can help you do this. One is a downward-facing dog, which is a great pose for beginners. Another is the cobra pose, which is a great pose for those with lower back pain. A third pose is the seated twist pose, which is a great pose to do if you have a desk job.

Protection from disease

There are many different ways to protect yourself from disease, but one of the best is to practice good self-care. This means getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. While you might already do some of these things, kundalini yoga can be a great addition to your routine. Not only does it improve your circulation, but it can also reduce your stress levels.

Reduced risk of heart disease

Heart disease is a serious health issue that affects many people, but it can be prevented with regular exercise. This can help to improve your circulation, while also reducing your risk of developing other health issues like diabetes and obesity. Since kundalini yoga focuses on improving your circulation, it can be a great way to reduce your risk of heart disease.

Better breathing capacity

A regular kundalini yoga practice can improve your breathing capacity, which is important as breathing disorders can contribute to health problems like heart disease and asthma. A good way to assess your breathing capacity is to sit for five minutes, focusing on your breath and trying to inhale and exhale through your diaphragm.

If you notice that your upper chest moves while breathing, you need to work on strengthening your diaphragm through breathing exercises. Practicing kundalini yoga regularly is a great way to increase your breathing capacity.

Strengthening of the Organs and Muscles

A kundalini yoga practice can help to strengthen your organs and muscles, reducing your risk of injury. Many common health issues like back pain and heart disease are caused by weak organs and overstressed muscles.

By strengthening your muscles through kundalini yoga poses, you can reduce your risk of injury, even during daily activities like lifting heavy objects. Practicing kundalini yoga regularly can also help to reduce the risk of heart disease by strengthening your heart and improving your blood flow.

Boost your immune system

There’s no foolproof way to avoid getting sick, but kundalini yoga can help to boost your immune system so that you recover from illness more quickly. Practicing asanas (postures) and meditation on a regular basis can help to strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of catching colds, the flu, and other diseases.

A kundalini yoga practice can also help to boost your endocrine system, the part of your body that regulates hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, known to reduce inflammation in the body and keep you healthier.

Reduced risk of heart disease

Experts have found that kundalini yoga can help to reduce your risk of heart disease. This may be because the practice helps to reduce your blood pressure and strengthen your heart muscles. Improving your blood flow can also help to reduce your risk of blood clotting, which may lead to a heart attack. Practicing asanas like the cobra pose and the locust pose, which strengthen your back muscles and help to improve your posture, could also help to reduce the risk of back pain and injury.

Improved flexibility and strength

A regular kundalini yoga practice can help you to become more flexible and maintain good posture. It can also help you to build strength and muscle mass, meaning you’re less likely to get injured. If you’re looking to increase your flexibility and strength for a specific sport or activity, however, you may want to consider doing a different form of yoga instead.

Most styles of yoga do not focus on improving your flexibility or strength; instead, they aim to help you reduce your stress levels through deep breathing and meditation.

Protection for your joints and ligaments

Many people experience joint pain and weakness in their muscles as they age. Regular kundalini yoga practice can help to reduce your risk of joint pain, inflammation, and injury by strengthening the muscles and ligaments in your body. It can also help to improve your posture, reducing the stress on your joints. Practicing kundalini yoga regularly can also help to improve your circulation, which is important for the health of your joints and muscles.

Reduce stress and anxiety

Like many other types of yoga, kundalini yoga can help to reduce your stress levels and improve your overall mental health. It can also help to reduce your anxiety levels. Regular practice can also help to improve your sleep patterns and regulate your hormones, which is important for mental health. Practicing kundalini yoga can also help to improve your self-confidence, reduce feelings of depression, and help you to focus on positive thoughts.

Improve digestion and relieve constipation

Regular kundalini yoga practice can help to improve your digestion and reduce your risk of constipation. It can also help to regulate your bowel movements and reduce cramps. Practicing yoga can help to relieve constipation as it can improve blood flow and digestion. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which are known to contribute to digestive issues.

Fight chronic pain

Many people suffer from chronic pain, which is often difficult to treat. Practicing kundalini yoga regularly can help to reduce your risk of chronic pain by improving your circulation, which helps to promote healing. It can also help to strengthen your muscles and ligaments, helping to reduce the pain caused by injury or overuse. Regular practice can also help to reduce anxiety, which can be known to contribute to chronic pain.

Kundalini yoga Los Angeles

Yoga is a great way to reduce your stress levels and improve your mental health. There are many different types of yoga to suit all levels, so you can practice in a way that works for you. Many yoga poses are also great for relieving stress in your muscles and improving your circulation, which can reduce your risk of chronic pain.

If you’re new to yoga, it’s important to find a class that’s right for your level. You might want to try a beginner’s yoga class or do yoga at home with online videos. No matter what type of yoga you choose, it’s a great way to reduce your stress levels and improve your health.

Kundalini yoga immersion 2022

As we mentioned earlier, kundalini yoga is based on the idea that the energy in your body lies coiled at the base of your spine (in women) or above it (in men). When this energy is activated, it travels up your spine, through your chakras (energy centers in your body), and out of your head. You may have heard the term “having your hair standing on end” and thought it was just a figure of speech, but it describes this experience quite accurately.

It’s only when the kundalini energy has been awakened and rises up that our hair stands on end. When kundalini energy has reached the top of your head, you’ll experience a variety of sensations, including Increased heat and tingling in your head, pressure behind your eyes, sounds like an ocean, shaking and vibration in your head or body, a sensation of lightness or floating, a sense of bliss or being one with the universe, and a feeling of being outside your body.

Kundalini yoga east

The most common misconception about kundalini yoga is that it is only a practice for Westerners. Kundalini yoga originated in India where it’s practiced by both Indian and non-Indian (e.g., Western) yogis. This type of yoga was introduced to the West by Yogi Bhajan, an Indian spiritual leader who founded the Kundalini Research Institute in California in 1969. There are two common misconceptions about kundalini yoga.

The first is that the only people who practice it are Westerners. Kundalini yoga originated in India where it’s practiced by both Indian and non-Indian (e.g., Western) yogis. The second misconception is that the poses used in kundalini yoga are identical to ashtanga yoga poses. While ashtanga yoga is a form of kundalini yoga, not every kundalini yoga sequence is identical to an ashtanga sequence.

Kundalini yoga teacher training Rishikesh India

In addition to the physical benefits of kundalini yoga mentioned above, this practice can also alter your mental health by increasing your levels of serotonin and melatonin two chemicals that help you relax. That’s why many people use kundalini yoga as a form of relaxation therapy it can help manage anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

The reason kundalini yoga has this effect on your mind is that it focuses on breathing techniques, meditation, and sound rather than physical poses. Listed below are additional benefits of kundalini yoga: Helps to reduce stress and anxiety, Improves sleeping habits and helps you fall asleep faster, and Helps to improve your overall mental health.

Kundalini yoga teacher training: Best Kundalini yoga classes in the USA

If you’re a Westerner who wants to try kundalini yoga, you should know that there aren’t many instructors who teach this type of yoga. That’s because most of the practitioners of kundalini yoga are followers of the Sikh religion, and Sikhs aren’t allowed to lead yoga classes. However, if you’re lucky enough to live in an area with a Sikh yoga studio, you can take kundalini yoga classes there. Alternatively, you can take kundalini yoga classes online. You just have to be careful and make sure that the instructor is a kundalini yoga instructor and not an ashtanga yoga instructor.

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In addition to the physical benefits of kundalini yoga, this practice can also alter your mental health by increasing your levels of serotonin and melatonin two chemicals that help you relax. That’s why many people use kundalini yoga as a form of relaxation therapy it can help manage anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The reason kundalini yoga has this effect on your mind is that it focuses on breathing techniques, meditation, and sound rather than physical poses.

Research suggests that practicing kundalini yoga can also improve your cognitive function and help you to stay mentally sharp as you age. Cognitive function refers to your ability to think, understand, and remember things. Kundalini yoga may have these benefits because it engages the central nervous system, which is the system that sends signals throughout your body and controls your cognitive function.

How to complete Kundalini yoga teacher training

If you want to get certified in Kundalini yoga or become a certified Kundalini yoga teacher, you need to complete the following steps.

Kundalini yoga teacher training is a three-month intensive preparation course that begins with a one-week Kundalini yoga practice. During this time, you will be learning the basic Kundalini yoga techniques and principles.

You will be taught by experienced Kundalini yoga practitioners based on your progress in the course and your progress in the practical Kundalini yoga training courses. You will also be trained in private coaching sessions to help you with your technique or personal growth.

Once you have completed the course, you will be able to teach Kundalini yoga classes at your home or on the road. You will also be able to teach Kundalini yoga classes in your community.

If you are interested in learning more about Kundalini yoga, please visit the Kundalini Yoga website.


Kirt-Un-Kit, also known as ‘Kundalini Yoga’, is an ancient practice that originates from the Indian spiritual tradition. It’s a meditation technique that focuses on raising your ‘spiritual energy’ or what is commonly referred to as ‘Kundalini’. What Is Kundalini Yoga? In essence, Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic combination of different physical postures, breathing techniques and spiritual practices.

It was first introduced in the Western world by Yogi Bhajan in 1984 through his book, “Thennnn Untill You.” Kundalini Yoga not only helps you unblock your creative potential but also leaves you feeling more relaxed and connected with yourself and others around you. Here are some of the biggest benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga regularly.


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